Open CMD prompt (Run as Administrator)
Goto directory (where you want to create website) and type
yo angular:project_name
You are done!! It will create all dependent files in the directory.
If you are using IIS server, create a website and point it to directory/app folder. Browse the website for example: http://localhost, it will show you beautiful index page.
Yeoman (the scoffolding tool) should be installed. Refer Yoeman website for more details.
Yeoman (the scoffolding tool) should be installed. Refer Yoeman website for more details.
Common Issue: When scoffolding angular project using yo command, if in between you are receiving errors, then execute this line on CMD prompt;
C:\MyProject>git config --global url."https://" .insteadOf git://
Author: Sumit Bajaj
Thanks for reading!!
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