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Nuget Error: "No more data is available"

Unable to install Nuget Package Manager on Visual Studio 2010 SP1, Windows 7, 64 bit machine. When creating new MVC4 Project, getting Nuget Error "No more data is available".

Here are the steps which will resolve the issue.

1. Open Visual Studio -> Tools -> Extension Manager...

2. From Online Gallery, Download Nuget Package Manager

If you get error like "No more data is available", Download it from Nuget Website.

3. Once downloaded, change the extension "vsix" to "zip"
    For example:  Nuget.Tools.vsix  ->

4. Goto path
  C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\ide\Extensions\Microsoft Corporation\NuGet Package Manager\1.6.21205.9031

if it is not existing, create the folders so path could look like above path.

5. Unzip the Package (see step 3) in the folder (see step 4)

6. Now ...\NuGet Package Manager\1.6.21205.9031 should have all dlls and respective files

7. Restart Visual Studio and now it should work



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